This is the other post you’ve all been waiting for – the second chunk of photos from GenCon 2013! Again, a few of these shots were taken by Mr. Crafty Nerd, and many of the Doctor Who photoshoot images were taken by my wonderful friend Michael. Due to the fact that there are so many pictures, shots from Day 1 and 2 are in a separate post so that way things don’t run as slow as molasses! Enjoy! 😀
- Candlehead, from Wreck-it Ralph.
- Some adorable little ponies!
- The Doctors examine some interesting technology…
- Anyone want a jelly baby?
- Doctors, trying to handle a Dalek.
- More jelly baby goodness.
- Two Doctors and Jack.
- Oh, he’s so friendly…
- Two Doctors and two TARDISES!
- Uh, I don’t think you want to eat my brains…
- A paradox of Doctors!
- And three Doctors. (Yes, that is Peter Davison!)
- More Doctors.
- Photobombed by the Fourth Doctor?
- And here starts the massively massive Doctor Who photoshoot.
- Idris! The only one I saw at the convention.
- Jack, there really are better ways to hitch a ride on the TARDIS…
- One of a few Roy Mustangs I saw.
- More Wreck-it Ralph goodness!
[…] « GenCon, Day 2 (Or, The Crafty Nerd battles her social anxiety) GenCon 2013 Photos: Days 3 and 4 » […]
[…] Mr. Crafty Nerd – hope everyone enjoys them! Due to the fact that there are so many pictures, shots from Day 3 and 4 are in a separate post so that way things don’t slow to a crawl here! Enjoy! […]