Sporting my shiny press badge!
Today was the first day of the biggest convention of the season – Gen Con! This is my third Gen Con – and my first one as press. I was super excited to pick up my press pass, and Ross and I cheerily wandered through the convention after I got my badge, looking for fun costumes and things to do.
The one thing about Gen Con is that there’s almost… too much to do, to be honest. So many games, so many panels, so many exhibitors to visit. I never know where to go first! And every year, it seems I take a different approach to the first (or, in the case of 2012, the only) day of Gen Con. In 2012, Bryan and I pretty much wandered through the exhibition hall for five hours, stopping frequently for pictures, spending oodles of money, and walking until we were exhausted. 2013 was a whole different ball game – it was my first year spending all four days at the convention, and not only that, but a friend had a hotel room that needed filling, so the three of us literally lived at Gen Con for those four days. The first day was pretty much entirely spent flailing around the exhibition hall, making new brony friends (like Ross!), attending panels, playing games, and spending absolutely stupid amounts of money.
This year was a bit different. Bryan decided to sit this year’s Gen Con out, so Ross and I decided to go together, and commute all the way from Bloomington (as getting a hotel this year wasn’t an option, thanks to housing selling out within TWO HOURS of housing registration opening!) to Indianapolis each day. And today was pretty low key. We wandered around the exhibition hall, and found some very awesome goodies to take home – Ross picked up a very epic looking skull mug and an awesome Nightmare Before Christmas/Alice in Wonderland crossover print, and I picked up a few more minis from Impact! Miniatures‘ Chibi Adventurers line. Ross dressed up in the most ruffly clothes I own and confused a number of people who thought he was a girl, haha. And I got to meet up with a friend of mine from college, who I haven’t seen in forever and is enjoying his first Gen Con as we speak. But other than that? We did a lot of walking, a lot of looking, and I learned that even the most comfortable looking heels will not be good for your feet at a convention. At all.
I noticed there weren’t too many people dressed up in costumes today. Typically, the big thing I take photos of are people in costumes, but I think I only saw a handful of people dressed in out-of-the-ordinary clothes. Here’s hoping tomorrow will bring more costumed con-goers!
But yes, all in all, today was a laid back day. I’m not anticipating the same for tomorrow – Ross and I are dusting off our Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash costumes, and are going to parade around as My Little Ponies for the day! And hopefully find some games to explore and panels to enjoy, too. Keep an eye out here tomorrow for day two of the Gen Con Report!