I know, sometimes I’m not very good at this “regular posting” thing. Especially during the school year. I’ve got to kick my own butt about it, and remind myself “hey, you have people actually maybe wanting to read what you write, so you have to write something”. Even if it’s just something little and silly like that pony creator I posted a few weeks ago, it shows you guys I’m still alive, right?
Well, here’s what I’ve been up to that’s keeping me from posting regularly…
Grad school
Yeah, grad school is back in full swing again. Why did I decide to go back to school? It seriously cuts into my blogging time! (Naah, I’m just kidding.) I will say, I’m taking some interesting classes this semester, and I’m enjoying them both. Plus, they’re both incredibly useful, too. I’m going to be a web design queen by the end of this semester!
Office rearranging
Well, I can’t exactly blame the office rearranging for my lack of blog entries – as it only took me about an hour or two on an evening when the power went out. So even if I wasn’t rearranging my office, I still wouldn’t have been able to post. However! My office is a lot more open now – I can make it to my window to actually open it and let some sun in, and I moved my craft/painting desk away from my work desk so there’s less temptation to paint minis when I should really be writing a workshop.
Writing a workshop
shhh this is top secret stuff but here have a screencap from a very early version of the materials…
But yes, writing a new workshop for IT Training has also been eating a chunk of time/energy/etc. BUT! I just finished the first draft! Which means I have a slight reprieve until the trial run of the workshop happens, then I work on Draft 2: Electric Boogaloo. (Or, more accurately, a much more educational version of Illustrator CS6: Creating Graphics for the Web) Writing Illustrator Web Graphics has been such a fun (and at times frustrating) process, and I’ll be so excited when it’s offered to the public. (Here’s hoping for Spring 2014!)
Playing with my new camera

This camera has some CRAZY zoom power – I was on the absolute opposite side of the room when I took this
Yeah, I may have bought a new camera with the justification that I can use it to take pictures for my blog entries and to showcase painting my minis, and I have spent entirely too much time playing with it. I’ve been taking pictures of scooters, minis, ponies, people, cats, you name it. This thing is amazing and I love it, and it’s the best investment I think I’ve ever made. (2014 convention season, BRING IT ON.)
Working on making websites
I love making websites. And so when people ask me to make them websites, or to work on their website, I am usually more than happy to take on some projects. So, not only are Bryan and I making a website for our landlady, you’re also now looking at the webmaster (webmistress?) for Wick’s Wheels. My first project is making a database of all the scooters Scott sells – you can check out the demo version here. MySQL and PHP are my best friends, hee.
Crafty stuff
Yes, even with everything else that’s going on, I still find time to craft! Granted, it’s usually in class, knitting/crocheting while I soak up all the knowledge I can, but yes. I do find time for working on some craft projects. I mean, come on, I can’t lose my title of The Crafty Nerd, now, can I?
So, yeah, that’s what I’ve been up to lately. Things are smoothing out again, finally, so I’ll be back to my normal twice-a-week posting schedule. I promise. Pinkie Pie swear. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye. 😀