Started out as a lowly warrior, back in December…
How many of you remember me posting about HabitRPG, the to-do and habit building site/app that turns your life into an epic adventure where you can earn experience for taking the dog for a walk? Well, if you can’t quite remember it, here’s the post I wrote.
I’ll admit – when I first started using HabitRPG, I was thinking “oh, I know me, I won’t stick around for long. I’ll use it diligently for a few weeks, and then stop.” That’s usually how it goes with me – but not this time. Oh, definitely not this time.
Logging in day after day, checking off my to-do list and daily habits and getting experience for them, well, the novelty did wear off after a little while. But then I went on some quests. I fought Vice and got some pretty impressive goodies such as a staff that makes my awesome Mage just that much awesomer. I conquered The Spirit of Spring, The Hedgebeast, and Octothulu and earned quite an impressive menagerie of pets. And most recently, I banded together with all the citizens of Habitica to fight off the Dread Drag’on of Dilatory. The quests are definitely one of the things that keep me coming back.
And I can play with friends, too. There’s two ways to do this – you can have a party of people you go questing with, or you can create a guild and participate in challenges. Either way is a great way to keep yourself coming back. There were some days where I was feeling lazy, and didn’t really feel like logging in and marking my stuff off as done… but then I’d remember I was part of a quest with my party members, and if I didn’t log in, they’d take damage, and I didn’t want that to happen – which motivated me to get off my butt, get stuff done, and help fight off whatever boss we were tangling with at the moment.

From lowly warrior to epic Mage, with a Mantis Shrimp as my pet!
Now it’s been around eight months since I got an account and started leveling up my little character. And in those eight months, I’ve developed some good habits. No snacking late at night. Walking every day, and taking short walk breaks when I’m in the office all day. Making sure I actually eat breakfast AND lunch each day. Keeping hydrated by making sure I drink enough water. My habits and daily tasks are constantly evolving, too. When the end of August comes and classes start up again, I’ll likely be adding tasks to make sure I get my homework done. And with the new house, there’ll be new chores too (I expect to be vacuuming a lot more often, given I’ll not only have carpeting pretty much everywhere, I’ll also have a cat!), and of course I’ll need to get into the habit of doing them regularly. And I know HabitRPG will help me with that!
So, if you’re already on Habit, look up the guild The Crafty Nerds. It’s the official guild of The Crafty Nerd (you’ll know you’re in the right place if you see Scooterlou as the guild leader, I mean, come on, who else would name their character after their old scooter but me), and I’d be happy to have you there! And if you’re not, why not join up? It’s free, it’s easy to get the hang of, and will definitely help you build some good habits. Plus, the retro art style keeps things fun, and the wide variety of quests to do, pets to collect, and people to meet in the Tavern will keep you coming back.