As with any awesome convention, there are tons of awesome cosplayers – and here’s a post showcasing all the ones I found! (Please excuse my facial expressions in some of them, haha – I’ve got a couple of derpy faces going on in pictures I’m in.)
Beth -the craftiest nerd that ever nerded.
Ross as a frilly gothic lolita.
Robby Sinclair!
Ash, Pikachu, and others from the Pokemon world.
Rainbow Dash!
Easily the most creative costume at the convention – Batgirl Heroclix!
Chii and Freya.
Princess Peach and Super Mario!
Belle from Beauty and the Beast.
Battle damaged Krillin!
Lego Superman and Batman, who were definitely a hit at the con.
Even Pinkie loves Steak ‘n Shake.
Fionna and the Ice Queen love Pinkie!
Rappin’ Pinkie, Toothless Pie, and oh gods why do I look so exhausted
Princess Bubblegum, about to do SCIENCE
Rainbow Dash!
Link and Dark Link. You can’t see their shields, but they looked awesome.
A plethora of Pinkie Pies!
Uh oh, what are they doing to poor Fluttershy?
Vanellope and Ralph!
Ponies from the depths of the internets.
Kaylee and Jayne!
Cupcakes Pinkie with Ash from Army of Darkness!
Doctor Mario!
Party Cannon Pinkie Pie and what am I doing with my face here
And as a bonus – here’s a link to one of the many recordings of the Costume Parade from yesterday! I like this one especially, since at about 9 and a half minutes in, you get a good minute and a half of Cupcakes Pinkie and Rainbow Factory Dash action, haha.
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