“Hey, Beth! You seem to have fallen of the face of the Earth entirely! What the heck happened?”
Yes, I’m sure that’s exactly what you’re asking right now. Yes. So I’ll tell you what I’ve been up to, in glorious picture format!
Taking pictures of sleeping cats! Because kitties are cute, and I now have one living with me. His name is Steve. He likes to watch Battlestar Galactica, enjoys kicking the carpets in the bathroom around, and his favorite pony is Pinkie Pie.
Playing with my new smartwatch. Bryan says it’s a fad, they won’t last, but honestly? I love it. I partially justified the purchase by saying that it’s research for when I re-write an old NaNoWriMo novel for this year’s NaNoWriMo. Since it’s set in the future, I gave the characters wrist communicators, and, well, HERE IT IS ON MY WRIST RIGHT NOW. Granted, it needs a cellphone to work with, but we’re getting closer!
Punch embroidering, because I haven’t done it in years. I’m making a couple of Christmas stockings, and then I might see if anyone wants to commission me for anything, because gosh do I enjoy doing this and I forgot how fun it is. Plus, it’s getting harder and harder to find punch embroidery stuff (apparently the place I shop from online is now the ONLY online store selling punch embroidery supplies!), and I may as well do it while I can, right?
Doing homework. And yes, my most recent bit of homework involved reviewing an online digital archive of comic book art. Have I mentioned how much I love library and information science? Because I do. I really do. 😀 My next bit of homework, for Representation & Organization, involves writing a script of how a typical grocery shopping trip goes, and then comparing it with the actual process of shopping in order to spark discussion about mental models and how they match up to the actual process or task that one is trying to complete.

On the banks of Racquette River, with its banks of blue, stands our honored Potsdam College, stirring sight to view…
Drinking lots of coffee and feeling rather homesick. This is the time of year I really miss Potsdam – even though the stupid lack of sunlight and the near-constant dreary grayness made my seasonal affective disorder crap way worse than it needed to be… I miss the trees changing color, the nights getting downright chilly, and the hint of winter in the air, even in September…
Getting minis ready for painting! It’s been entirely too humid out to prime minis, but that doesn’t stop me from scraping off the extra plastic bits and filing the rough spots down so I can prime and paint when the weather is good.
And that’s what I’ve been up to, in illustrated form! Now that I’ve settled in for the semester, posts will occur more regularly, and I do have some exciting things in the works! Have an idea for a topic you want to see on the site? Leave a comment on this post, and chances are, I’ll cover it. 🙂 I’m always looking for new crafty and nerdy things to talk about.