I’m sure most of you can tell, by the lack of posts over the past month, that all is not well in Crafty Nerd land. I’ve been struggling with a bit of depression lately, brought on by a number of things…
- Seasonal affective disorder tends to kick my butt during fall, as the days get much shorter and the nights get longer. I’ve found a couple ways to fight it (walking when it’s nice out, putting natural light lightbulbs in my office, working on things I enjoy), but it still keeps dragging me down.
- Divorce also tends to mess with one’s emotional health… and I am going through one now. It’s rough. Not going to lie.
- I’ve been swamped with work, too. There were a few weeks where I’d have three 12-hour days in a row, and I’d just go home and pass out. That’s not much fun at all.
All that combined has been dragging me down quite a bit. I’ve got a few craft projects I’m working on, though, and I have ideas for new blog posts, and it’s turning out that next year’s convention season is going to be absolutely ridiculous – so I have lots to talk about. It’s just getting the words out there that’s the problem lately. I even dropped out of NaNoWriMo this year – and that’s saying something, because I absolutely love NaNoWriMo.
So what am I gonna do about it?
I’m going to channel my inner Pinkie Pie, as best I can. I’m gonna do the things that make me happy, like coding in XML and crafting and watching My Little Pony. I’m going to ride Scooterlou! YES, the very same Scooterlou I sold to get Mia – you can read the whole story on my other blog. I’m going to decorate my tiny little Christmas tree with lots of little ponies. I’m going to work on my epic costume for next year’s convention season. And I’m going to encourage myself to be happy. [emoji smiling cat face with open mouth]