At least, I’m pretty sure that’s how I messed up my shoulder a few months ago: too much crocheting. Who knew there was such a thing as too much crocheting? Then again, I was cranking out a cardigan like a madwoman for a little bit, and even tried crocheting some socks… (which is a different story for another time, my adventures in sock creation) So, yeah, The Crafty Nerd was out of crafting commission for a while there while I underwent physical therapy and tried (and sometimes failed) to give my shoulder a rest.

“You don’t get it, Fluttershy, I have projects to finish! Blankets to make! Hats to craft! I can’t not crochet!”
The good news: I can now do yarn-crafts again without being in stupid amounts of pain! The bad news: I’ve been a slacker of a blogger in the meantime. I’ll make up for it, though, I promise. I’ve got some cool nerdy things to show off in regards to creating a personalized start page for your browser (yes, I am that nerdy), and I’m making socks! With double pointed knitting needles. Which used to terrify me. And I have a new favorite show to share my thoughts on: Steven Universe.

I swear, I love that show SO MUCH. It may have knocked My Little Pony and Sailor Moon out of the top spots of my favorite animated shows ever. I’ve rewatched the entire series at least three times. It’s amazing. But I’ll ramble about Steven Universe in a later post!