This is what life feels like right now: spinning around uselessly, heh.
Lots of stuff has happened, and I simply have been too swamped to really post about it. Which is frustrating, because I want to post about it, y’know? But between work, and grad school, and celebrating a wedding (yep, Ross and I finally celebrated getting married!), and buying a house (that’s some high-level adulting right there!), I just haven’t had time. At all.
But that’s gonna change! Things are finally calming down. So expect some more regular posts again, starting with next week’s crochet showing at the Statewide IT Conference’s Artists Showcase! (I’ll also be singing Beatles songs, too. If there’s video, and I’m not feeling too shy about sharing it, then I’ll post it here.) For now, I’ll leave you guys with the nerdiest, craftiest picture from mine and Ross’ wedding.

Yep, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow (Factory) Dash got hitched.
Yes, we donned the wigs at the tail end of photo-taking. 😀 I made the shawl and many of the flowers in my bouquet (I had help from friends and family!), and Ross’ aunt Jeannie and I put together the arch in the background and decorated it! It was a fun ceremony, even though we got rained out and were stuck indoors, and nobody batted an eye when we whipped out the pony wigs and tossed them on for photos. 😀
So now that the craziness from wedding and moving is done, I can devote more time to my poor, neglected blog! Which is always a good thing. 🙂
One comment
Yay! Congratulations! May you two be happy, happy, happy!