You’ve noticed it. I’ve noticed it. I’ve neglected The Crafty Nerd pretty seriously during the second half of 2016. And some of it has been due to good reasons, like moving to a new house, celebrating a wedding, grad school, work, and so on. Some of it has been due to sheer laziness and a little bit of depression mixed in. I want to change that, though! I’m coming out of my unintentional hiatus with a much-needed blog facelift.

The site really hasn’t changed all that much over the years…
Now it’s got a fancy Material Design-inspired theme, which I enjoy, and will likely have a header image added soon – haven’t decided on that yet, and if I do stick a header in, I’m not sure if I’m going to create a new one or use one of the old ones. Either way, hopefully a shiny new blog theme will encourage me to post more. And I have plenty of blog post ideas – just have to actually type them up!