You may have seen some more Steven Universe images creeping into my blog as I’ve been posting (infrequently as its been, I know) – and there’s a reason for that, friends.

omg omg omg
I haven’t been this enthralled with a show since I discovered Sailor Moon back in 1997, you guys. I love the characters, I love the overwhelmingly female-positive vibe of the show, I love the fact that it tackles issues like anxiety and relationships, I love the gripping and occasionally deep storyline, I love the music, I LOVE IT ALL.
I love it so much that I made it the focus of my research for a class I took last semester, Content Analysis for the Web. (And once I polish up my papers, I’ll even post them here, for those curious.) I love it so much that I’m considering getting a Rose Quartz themed tattoo. I love it so much I named my new car Lapis.

She’s no longer rocking Janeway’s old plate, but there’s my Lappy!
Seriously. I love this show. So much.

I’ve got my desk covered in as much SU merchandise as I can find. I’ve got a plush Steven on my bedside table. I have Steven Universe boxers, for crying out loud, haha. I feel like I used to back when I discovered Sailor Moon… but there are lots of others out there who like Steven Universe, too. And episodes keep coming out. And it’s all over awesome and wonderful.
So, yeah, in case you couldn’t tell, I like this show. A lot. 😀