Every crafter has one (or more) – a tool kit they use to crank out their projects. I’ve actually got a handful of little tool kits, for each of my main hobbies. As I was digging around in my most frequently used one, my knit/crochet kit, I thought “hey, why not show off what’s in your yarn craft kit? Someone might find it useful to see what you’ve got!” And this week’s blog post was born.

This collection of goodies helps me while I make yarn crafts.
It’s a random assortment of goodies, but they all help me out while I craft! Here’s what I’ve got, top to bottom, leftish to right:
- Knit Happy bag: I got this as part of a yarn swap years ago on Ravelry. I wasn’t quite sure what I’d use it for back then, but now it serves me well as the bag that holds all the tools I use frequently.
- Gauge counter: I’ve had this ever since I started crocheting, back in the early 2000s, but never really used it until recently. It’s been helpful as I try to figure out the gauge for my projects!
- Yarn cutter: I love this. It’s way easier than carrying a pair of scissors around, and is far more likely to be travel friendly than most scissors. Plus, it’s fun having what my friend J calls a “yarn shuriken”, heehee.
- Buttons: you never know when you’ll need a button. This heart one was originally destined for a skirt I made years ago, then I almost put it on a sweater I made recently, and now it’s hanging out in my craft bag.
- Measuring tape: This is helpful for so many reasons – measure the length of a tube sock, measure around a coffee mug for a cozy, measure myself to make sure an object will fit. It’s great to have.
- Hairclip: This little guy serves multiple purposes. It can be used to hold two sides of a project together for seaming, as an impromptu stitch counter, and it can also keep your hair out of your eyes if it’s getting obnoxious while you work. 😛
- Needle point protectors: You have no idea how many times I’ve tossed a knit project into my bag, only to find that it’s slid off my needles by the time I’ve gotten to my destination. These things are a lifesaver – and a project saver.
- Yarn needles and needle holder: Most projects I make are going to need to be sewn together at some point. Having needles on hand is good – and having them all collected into one place is better.
- Itty-bitty circular needles: Honestly, I think the only reason these are in here is so I don’t lose them elsewhere. I’ve used them for making socks, but they’re not all that comfortable to work with, since they’re so wee.
- Tin full of stitch markers: Self-explanatory. Stitch markers are always needed. I’m actually going to have to reload this with some more, as stitch markers tend to disappear easily.
- Foldable scissors: Yeah, I’ve got the yarn shuriken, but sometimes it’s nice to use actual scissors. They let me get a bit closer to a yarn project than the yarn cutter. Plus, these guys collapse, too.
- Labels, sassy and non-sassy: I’ve got these for when I make really nice garments for myself or others. The sassy ones tend to find their way into my own clothes.
And that’s what I’ve got in my yarn tool kit! What do you all keep in your crafting kits?