Well, the Woodland Blanket crochet-a-long I posted about a little while ago came to a close a few weeks ago. How’s my blanket looking, you ask?

It’s definitely a blanket!
Well, even though the crochet-a-long wrapped up recently, I’m still 11 or 12 stripes away from finishing the blanket. I managed to keep up with the rest of the group pretty well for the first month or so, and then my ADHD caught up with me and my brain said “hey, let’s find something else to work on, we’ve worked on this blanket for like a month straight, so let’s do something new and exciting!”
So I started a pair of socks.

This sock is much further along now, I’ve rounded the heel at this point!
And then I dug out a cardigan that I’d started a few years ago and hadn’t finished yet.

It still looks like an amorphous blob at this point, but the stitch pattern is pretty.
And then I decided to go back to another pair of socks I was working on and do some work on those.

This pair is actually pretty close to being finished!
And then I felt guilty about not working on the blanket and went back to working on that for a little bit, but then got distracted by socks again. I know I’ll finish that blanket soon – I keep telling myself that I’ll finish it after I finish the socks with the zigzag pattern, that I won’t start any more projects until I get some others finished. Will I actually be able to stick to that, though? Who knows.
Anyhow, I’ll post about the blanket when I get it finished, I promise. And I will get that finished. I’m determined.
One comment
[…] experience, especially trying to focus on one specific project for roughly two months. Eventually, I got distracted by other projects (as is often the case with me and crafting), and finally finished the darn blanket in June. Given […]