Happy Gen Con Eve, folks! Sure, this isn’t going to be a typical Gen Con, but I’m going to do my usual daily Gen Con coverage anyway. This is going to be a Gen Con for the history books, with it being entirely online this year, and I want to document it. (My inner Ëlinyr is coming out a little bit, with her need to write everything down, haha.) So, here we go with Gen Con Online, day 0.5!
Socializing with folks on the Gen Con Online Discord
One of the big things I’ve been enjoying this year has been the Gen Con Discord server. It’s no secret that I’m a huge introvert, and shy as heck to boot – which makes socializing in person difficult for me at times. With the Gen Con Discord, though, everything’s through text, which is much easier for me. I’ve been having so much fun talking with others on Discord! I’ve mainly been hanging out in the general chat, cosplay, and crafting channels and enjoying lots of great conversation. Plus, occasionally names I recognize will pop up in the chat — like when I saw Rubiee of Dryad Tea in the general chat last night. I totally had a fangirl moment, haha. (After all, I’ve rambled about Dryad Tea before!)
I almost cried when I saw your response. It means so much to me that people love what I do (and me, I guess? Lol)
Thank you for brightening my day 💚— Dryad Tea (@DryadTea) July 28, 2020
With the Gen Con Discord making it easier for this nerd to talk to people, I’ve actually been brave enough to ask people for interviews. That’s right, this year I’m actually going to have some Gen Con interviews on the blog! Stay tuned for those interviews as part of my Gen Con coverage!
Preparing the house for Gen Con Online
I’m trying to make the house feel a little more like Gen Con — well, as much as I can without going too overboard. To make it feel a little more like Gen Con, I made a couple of signs to hang up around the house.
- Welcome to Gen Con Online, hosted at home!
- We’ve got quite the selection of games here in the Game Library.
- And yes, we’ve even got our own press room.
I’ve also done some work on cleaning up my craft area since I’ll be participating in a live-streamed quilting event!

The craft table is ready for crafting! (And hey, it’s Crafty Nerd t-shirt season, too!)
Plus, I’ve readied my home office for a couple of days of gaming and fun. My computer desk is Gen Con Central, haha.

The Crafty Nerd’s home base for Gen Con Online!
And I’ve also got my new chief yarn tester on standby for craft supervision, too – he’s taking over for Steve since my living situation has recently changed.

This is Jack, my chief yarn tester and craft supervisor. He loves his job.
What I’ve got going on tomorrow
Here’s a sneak peek of what I’ll be doing tomorrow!
- Hanging out on the Gen Con Discord, of course – I’m Beth (The Crafty Nerd) (she/her) there, feel free to say hi if you see me!
- The Quilting 201 workshop, which I am super excited for!
- Flailing around when the Looking Glass opens, and Gen Con exclusive merchandise becomes available, like the super limited edition Genevieve plushie from My Little Demon.
Tomorrow evening I’ll post a summary of what I got up to, so keep an eye out for my next Gen Con Online post. Otherwise, that’s a wrap for day 0.5 – I’ll see everyone tomorrow for the first day of Gen Con Online!