And no, I’m not talking about Pokemon here, heheh.
One of the things I’ve noticed as an emphatic collector of things that relate to my most loved fandoms is that my collections tend to evolve, especially the longer I end up in the fandom. When I’m building my collection, I tend to buy anything and everything relating to my favorite show or game. Sailor Moon hairbrushes? Sure, I’ll buy six! Twilight Sparkle toothbrush holder? This would be amazing in my bathroom! Princess Peach change purse? Doubt I’ll ever use it, but Princess Peach stuff is so freaking rare that I’ll buy anything I see with her face on it! Toothless coin bank? You’re coming home with me, buddy. Anything with a scooter on it? I MUST HAVE IT. And so on.
But after a while, I get overwhelmed with the largeness of my collection. At one point, I must have had about fifty little brushable My Little Ponies. And my Sailor Moon collection, back in its heyday, was absolutely ridiculous. I had such silly things like a Sailor Moon birthday party set – cups, plates, etcetera – still in its original packaging. And six Sailor Moon hair brushes. I’ve got a couple pictures below of the Sailor Moon collection, circa 2005, along with other assorted anime goodies – forgive the quality, the photos were taken on a digital camera that was old in 2005…
- There are some of those hairbrushes I was talking about…
- Another hairbrush! I still have most of those plushies.
- There’s the birthday party set. I don’t think I ever used it…
- And some mini Sailor Moon dolls. I still have Luna!
I also used to own a Princess Toadstool cookie jar. (Oh, the stories I could tell about wanting that silly cookie jar, and my excitement when I finally got it…)

The Princess Toadstool cookie jar, with me in my first foray into costume-making, circa 1997.
And don’t even get me started on the My Little Pony collection…