Scootering: Best antidepressant ever.

2012-05-05 11.41.58

The Crafty Nerdmobile! (Or, as she’s more commonly known, Scooterlou)

I think, if I were to assign my website a mascot, it might just be Scooterlou.  She may not exactly be the nerdiest mode of transportation – I mean, come on, scooters are for everyone! – but she is decked out pretty nerdily.  She’s got a nice little Nyancat on one side, and a sweet “Engineered by Firefly” sticker on the other, and she’s rocking some My Little Ponies on her trunk (not pictured here – this is before I installed the trunk on her).  She enables my nerdy crafting pursuits, too – if not for her, it’d be a lot harder to get to and from craft stores, as my hubby’s not exactly always keen on schlepping me back and forth to craft stores around town.  I’m rather attached to her.

2012-03-02 07.09.01 As the picture to the left may indicate, actually.  Yes, that is Scooterlou in my living room.  Yes, I dragged her in there during a tornado warning.  Yes, I was hopped up on pain killers from falling face-first off her a day or so before.  For some reason I thought the house was the best place for her to ride out a tornado, apparently!  (The house smelled like a garage for the rest of the night…)  Anyhow, Scooterlou means a lot to me, that’s the point I’m trying to get across here, haha.

Some of you who know me pretty well know I’ve been going through a rather rough patch lately.  For those who don’t know, I struggle with depression – and while it gets rough at times, it hasn’t been too bad until the past couple of weeks.  I spent most of last week on the couch, watching Doctor Who and Law and Order, and trying to just drag myself through the day.  I barely knitted or crocheted.  I drank entirely too much coffee and still wanted to sleep all day.  I managed to make it in to the office twice.  It was the worst I’ve been in weeks.

Then today, Bryan and I were out doing our errands, getting some plants for the deck, and we decided to check out Wick’s Wheels – a new scooter store that opened up just down the street from where I bought Scooterlou.  We hung out there, debated over buying a replacement for Bryan’s scooter (ended up waiting on that, and seeing if we can just repair the one he’s got), and stuck around for a mini scooter rally that took us all around Bloomington at a delightful 25 mph, haha.  I met some new scooter-loving people, made a new friend, and actually got out of the house for the first time this week and enjoyed myself.  I needed this.  There’s nothing that lifts my mood more than just hopping on Scooterlou and going for a ride.  The wind in my face blows away my anxieties, and the sun just melts away my depression.

I need to ride Scooterlou more often, haha.  Sorry to wax poetic about my scooter, especially on a crafting blog, but I needed to – today was exactly what I needed to break through the mess I’ve been the past few weeks.

From the Wick's Wheels scooter rally, out in front of the Sample Gates at IU.

From the Wick’s Wheels scooter rally, out in front of the Sample Gates at IU.


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