Printable Valentines – Wreck-it Ralph Style!

Since Valentine’s Day is about a week away, I thought it might be a good idea to make my own valentines for the special people in my life!  (I mean, I do have a stash of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic valentines… but those are collector’s items!  I can’t use those!) And it came to me – why not make some Wreck-it Ralph valentines?  There aren’t any currently out there on the web anywhere, and Wreck-It Ralph is such an awesome movie – so why not make some Wreck-it Ralph inspired valentines?

These are all about 5 inches square, or 5 by 6 inches for the bigger one, and should print out really nicely on cardstock!  There are tiny little watermarks in the images, but hopefully they’re not too obtrusive.  I did draw the images used for these cards, in case you were curious! 😀

I hope everyone enjoys them – and if you use them, leave me a comment and tell me how you used them! 😀  I’d love to see how everyone likes my valentines!

Classy crafting

Little Lovely Shawl

I know this isn’t in the classroom, but still – made a lot of progress!

I’ve noticed a new trend in some of my Information Science classes, and I’m taking part in it as well – there are a lot of students working on knitting and crocheting projects during class!  I brought in my Little Lovely Shawl to work on during Human Computer Interaction yesterday, and while we had wonderful conversations about cognition and how the brain works in relation to computers and technology, as well as trying to assemble a mental model of how an ATM works, my shawl grew by leaps and bounds.

Another classy-craft - this one's a scarf for Bryan

Another classy-craft – this one’s a scarf for Bryan

Another of my classmates was working on a mobius cowl – I might see if I can get a picture of it on Thursday – and one of Bryan’s classmates in his Informatics class was knitting a scarf!  I’m not sure exactly how it works so well, but doing something with my hands helps keep my mind focused on what the instructor is talking about.  Not to mention I get quite a bit of knitting or crocheting done when I have something else to focus on – if it’s just me and the yarn, I tend to get bored pretty quickly.  So, it’s a win-win situation!  I’ll keep posting pictures of the awesome things I make (or work on) in class.  It definitely helped in last night’s Organizational Informatics class – not only did I soak up what was going on, I managed to knit quite a bit of scarf.  And there was the added bonus of knitting keeping me a little more alert than usual – my Tuesdays are the longest day of my week, with class going until 8:30 pm at night – so having something to do with my hands kept me a little more awake.

Speaking of projects to work on in class, I’m thinking of starting a mobius cowl of my own to work on – I’ve got some beautiful purple and brown yarn I want to use up, and I’ve found quite a few interesting patterns on Ravelry.  Ahh, Ravelry – you keep me busy finding good ways to use up all my yarn, hahaha.  Of course, it doesn’t help when yarn stores have good sales on pretty yarn – I spent entirely too much money on yarn this weekend!

To my readers – do any of you knit or crochet in class?  Tell me in the comments, and feel free to share pictures of what you’ve made!

Enter the crafty nerd.

Well, here goes nothing.

I’m going to make a legitimate try at doing a real blog!  With a focus!  This should be… interesting.

After following Jen at EPBOT for quite some time now, I thought to myself, “Hey, how come I don’t run a blog similar to hers?” And some of you may say, why the heck should you do a blog like hers?  She’s already done it!  Well, while we both do nerdy and crafty things (and often combine the two), our nerddoms don’t exactly overlap.  She’s huge into steampunk, for example, while I’m really big into My Little Ponies.  She does a lot of big DIY projects, while I make a lot of little plushies and knit projects.  So, that’s my reasoning for doing a nerdy crafting blog – because it’ll be a unique nerdy crafting blog.   It’ll be MY nerdy crafting blog.  With a little bit of random life stuff tossed in here and there.

So, welcome!  I’m going to try to post once a week, if not more – and I’d love it if people would comment, stir up some activity, stuff like that.  I might host the occasional contest, I might post some free goodies, who knows.  I really do love blogging, and I want to share all the awesome stuff I make with the world, and inspire someone to make their own awesome stuff, or maybe even blog – just like Jen inspired me to do!