I can’t think of anything to write this week, so instead, I’ve lovingly curated a collection of ten free nerdy crafts for you all. (If my Facebook friends come through with cool post ideas, there may be a second post this week to make up for this one!) It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so I figured, why not? So, here we go – seven nerdy free crafts!
Sick week
This week’s post isn’t going to have too much substance to it, I’m afraid. I got sick last Sunday, and ended up in bed for half the week. You know how long it’s been since I’ve caught a cold, even a teeny one? Two and a half years. It was a rough week. I was hoping I’d just be down for maybe a day, but nope – it turned into a sick week.
I was even too sick to crochet for a few days there. Can you believe that? Too sick to crochet!
Yeah. It was rough. I wanted to, and I even tried a few times, but after a few minutes I’d flump back down, exhausted and bleary-eyed. I did end up spending all that time laying in bed like a useless lump somewhat constructively, though: I binge-watched two seasons of Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries.
Set in the late 1920s in Australia, the show follows the adventures of Phryne Fisher, a female detective who works with the local police (even though early on they’d rather not have her assistance quite so much) to help solve murder mysteries. And oh, this show is fabulous. It passes the Bechdel Test in the first 30 seconds of the first episode! The show is full of strong female characters, and it seems like more and more keep showing up. There are only three seasons of it out currently, all on Netflix (if you’re in the USA, at least, not sure about other countries), and while it’s unsure about whether there’ll be a season four, I’m guessing there will be once Essie Davis (who plays the amazing Miss Fisher) is done with filming for Game of Thrones. (We can hope, anyway!)
The majority of my week was spent curled up under a pile of blankets, watching Miss Fisher, downing mug after mug of tea (earl grey, of course), and whining about how miserable I felt. I’m still not feeling amazing (stupid sinuses just don’t want to unstuff themselves!), but I feel a little more alive than I did through most of last week. That’s good, right?
I promise there’ll be a more interesting post next week. Maybe I’ll finally get around to finishing that crochet pattern I’ve been working on writing…
Nerdy Valentines for 2017!
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, folks! One of the things I end up doing most years since I started The Crafty Nerd is collecting a bunch of nerdy valentines for people to share with their loved ones – and this year’s no different. Here’s a selection of some fun, nerdy valentines for everyone! Share them on Facebook, print them and leave them around the office, do whatever you like with them!
Happy 4th birthday, The Crafty Nerd!
Holy crap, has it really been four years since I started the blog?
A lot’s happened in the past four years. And I tend to ramble about all the stuff that’s happened since I started the blog almost every time it celebrates a birthday. (Although somehow, I manage to cover something different each year – how do I manage that?) This year, I’m just going to focus on the awesome things – crafty, nerdy, and life-related – that have happened since the blog’s last birthday!
Since The Crafty Nerd last celebrated a birthday, I’ve…
My knit and crochet tool kit
Every crafter has one (or more) – a tool kit they use to crank out their projects. I’ve actually got a handful of little tool kits, for each of my main hobbies. As I was digging around in my most frequently used one, my knit/crochet kit, I thought “hey, why not show off what’s in your yarn craft kit? Someone might find it useful to see what you’ve got!” And this week’s blog post was born.
It’s a random assortment of goodies, but they all help me out while I craft! Here’s what I’ve got, top to bottom, leftish to right:
- Knit Happy bag: I got this as part of a yarn swap years ago on Ravelry. I wasn’t quite sure what I’d use it for back then, but now it serves me well as the bag that holds all the tools I use frequently.
- Gauge counter: I’ve had this ever since I started crocheting, back in the early 2000s, but never really used it until recently. It’s been helpful as I try to figure out the gauge for my projects!
- Yarn cutter: I love this. It’s way easier than carrying a pair of scissors around, and is far more likely to be travel friendly than most scissors. Plus, it’s fun having what my friend J calls a “yarn shuriken”, heehee.
- Buttons: you never know when you’ll need a button. This heart one was originally destined for a skirt I made years ago, then I almost put it on a sweater I made recently, and now it’s hanging out in my craft bag.
- Measuring tape: This is helpful for so many reasons – measure the length of a tube sock, measure around a coffee mug for a cozy, measure myself to make sure an object will fit. It’s great to have.
- Hairclip: This little guy serves multiple purposes. It can be used to hold two sides of a project together for seaming, as an impromptu stitch counter, and it can also keep your hair out of your eyes if it’s getting obnoxious while you work. 😛
- Needle point protectors: You have no idea how many times I’ve tossed a knit project into my bag, only to find that it’s slid off my needles by the time I’ve gotten to my destination. These things are a lifesaver – and a project saver.
- Yarn needles and needle holder: Most projects I make are going to need to be sewn together at some point. Having needles on hand is good – and having them all collected into one place is better.
- Itty-bitty circular needles: Honestly, I think the only reason these are in here is so I don’t lose them elsewhere. I’ve used them for making socks, but they’re not all that comfortable to work with, since they’re so wee.
- Tin full of stitch markers: Self-explanatory. Stitch markers are always needed. I’m actually going to have to reload this with some more, as stitch markers tend to disappear easily.
- Foldable scissors: Yeah, I’ve got the yarn shuriken, but sometimes it’s nice to use actual scissors. They let me get a bit closer to a yarn project than the yarn cutter. Plus, these guys collapse, too.
- Labels, sassy and non-sassy: I’ve got these for when I make really nice garments for myself or others. The sassy ones tend to find their way into my own clothes.
And that’s what I’ve got in my yarn tool kit! What do you all keep in your crafting kits?
The exhausted Crafty Nerd: rambling edition
I apologize in advance, folks – this week’s post isn’t going to be terribly entertaining. I’m freaking exhausted. I went from the craziest week ever (so much stress, so many things going on!) to the most relaxing weekend ever (Ross and I spend the weekend at the West Baden Springs Resort, a little trip we do every year around the end of January), so I didn’t really have much chance to even think about the blog. I didn’t even do any crafting this week! Blog-wise, I’m on a roll, though, and have been cranking out at least one post a week since the beginning of the year – and I really don’t want to lose my momentum. So, this week will be devoted to a collection of nerdy rambles, in no particular order.
- Remember the Rose Quartz costume I told you guys I was going to work on making in last week’s post? Well, I have the first part, thanks to my friend Kasi – she’s loaned me her uber-poofy floor-length petticoat. It’s going to be PERFECT for my Rose costume.
- I got to borrow a fancy tablet monitor from work to use as a second monitor with my work laptop, and guess what – it’s a touchscreen, too! After some fighting with drivers, I managed to get it to behave well enough to doodle in Photoshop, so I’m going to test it out for some more heavy duty drawing soon. Plus, it’s going to be awesome to be able to have that little guy in my lap to take notes on PDFs on for work.
- I’m attempting to reduce my crocheting overwhelmedness by picking one of the myriad of in-progress projects and actually finishing it. Right now, I’ve got a number of things in the works, including a sweater, a cowl cape, a dragonfly shawl, a hat (I’m seriously three rows away from being done with that sucker), and an awesome blanket I’m working on for a friend’s baby. I’m currently working on said awesome blanket – that’s going to be my “work on this sucker until it’s done” project.
- I almost dug out some cross stitch today. I have two projects in the works that I haven’t touched in years – a Sailor Moon pattern that I made myself, and a Sherlock pattern for my friend Josie. I hope I finish that Sherlock project before Josie’s next birthday – it’s already two birthdays late. :X
I promise there’ll be a far more entertaining post next week – if I can get my hands on my camera tripod, I’m going to attempt to record a video tutorial! I’m excited about being able to use my video development skills on something new. 🙂
New cosplay brainstorming: Rose Quartz
Maybe I just like to dress up as pink haired characters. Maybe I really am obsessed with Steven Universe. Either way, it’s led me to my cosplay idea for this year’s conventions (yes, I’m actually going to make it to at least ONE convention this year, if it kills me or not) – Rose Quartz, from Steven Universe. Finally, someone I can cosplay as who has a similar body shape to mine! (Although I don’t think I’ll ever be 8 feet tall…) Someone I can cosplay as and not feel so self conscious about!
Crafting for a Cause: The Pussyhat Project
I try not to mix politics and blogging, but given what’s happening in our country lately, and who’s about to become president… yeah. I won’t go into my own feelings here, as this is a crafting blog, not a “rant about politics” blog. However, I found a project where crafting and politics collide (thanks to my friends Josie and Kasi) – The Pussyhat Project.
Long story short: The Pussyhat Project aims to create hats that not only help keep protesters at the Women’s March on Washington warm, but also to make a visual statement to make those marching on Washington, D.C. in support of women’s rights in light of all that’s been spewed out during this past election cycle. I’m going to try and crank out as many pink cat-eared hats as I can over the next week, and as I started crafting my first one, I ended up making a crochet pattern on the fly that might help others interested in making some pussyhats of their own.
The Crafty Nerd’s Crochet Pussyhat Pattern
What you’ll need:
- an H hook
- pink, worsted-weight yarn, any shade of pink will do
The pattern:
- Foundation: Chain 40.
- Row 1: Double crochet in fourth chain from hook and the rest of the row.
- Row 2: Chain 3 (This will count as a dc in this and every future row). *Front post double crochet in next stitch, double crochet in following stitch*, repeat to last stitch, end with a double crochet in last stitch.
- Row 3: Chain 3. *Back post double crochet in next stitch, double crochet following stitch*, repeat to last stitch, end with a double-crochet in last stitch. Back-post dc will be done around the front-post dc from previous row.
- Row 4: Repeat row 2. Front post dc will be done around back post dc from previous row.
- Row 5: Double crochet entire row.
- Repeat Row 5 until hat fabric is about 16 inches long. (24-25 rows of double crochet)
- Repeat rows 2, 3 and 4 to create the ribbing on the other end of the hat.
- Fold fabric in half, sew or single crochet side seams together, and wear with pride, or mail off to the Pussyhat Project.
Bullet journaling: when to-do lists and crafting collide
I’m sure some of you have heard about bullet journaling, but for those who haven’t: it’s a combination of to-do list and daily planner that is infinitely customizable to what you need from a planner. The “bullet” part of bullet journaling comes from the fact that most items in your journal will be in a bulleted list format (and oh how I love my bulleted lists, I swear the <ul> tag is the most abused HTML tag in my websites and my old online journals). There are different bullets based on different types of items in your journal, and they’re typically outlined in a key at the beginning of the journal. Certain bullets, like an “o” for events, a “-” for thoughts and non-to-do items, and a dot for to-do items, are present in all journals, and if you need more for other things you’re keeping track of in your journal, you can add them as you see fit.
Bullet journals start with a table of contents, with plenty of room for including new items you might want to find easily, often include a future log, and also make use of monthly, weekly, and even daily layouts. My bullet journal makes use of all of those items, along with pages that are often referred to as “collections” – in short, a page or two that’s devoted to a specific topic. I have collections for books that I’m reading, craft projects I’m working on, maintenance for my scooter and car, and important things for work.
I’ve long had an addiction with daily planners, which most likely started back when I was in elementary school and my dad would give me his outdated Day Timers to me to play with. I’d use them to try and plan out the ever-so-thrilling day of a fourth grader – for a little while, anyway. That’s always been the story with me and planners – buy something awesome with lots of features, like stickers or a fancy day marker or a nice leather cover, use it for a few weeks, and then let it gather dust for the rest of the year.
That is not the case with bullet journaling.
Steven Universe: my new obsession
You may have seen some more Steven Universe images creeping into my blog as I’ve been posting (infrequently as its been, I know) – and there’s a reason for that, friends.
I haven’t been this enthralled with a show since I discovered Sailor Moon back in 1997, you guys. I love the characters, I love the overwhelmingly female-positive vibe of the show, I love the fact that it tackles issues like anxiety and relationships, I love the gripping and occasionally deep storyline, I love the music, I LOVE IT ALL.
I love it so much that I made it the focus of my research for a class I took last semester, Content Analysis for the Web. (And once I polish up my papers, I’ll even post them here, for those curious.) I love it so much that I’m considering getting a Rose Quartz themed tattoo. I love it so much I named my new car Lapis.
Seriously. I love this show. So much.
I’ve got my desk covered in as much SU merchandise as I can find. I’ve got a plush Steven on my bedside table. I have Steven Universe boxers, for crying out loud, haha. I feel like I used to back when I discovered Sailor Moon… but there are lots of others out there who like Steven Universe, too. And episodes keep coming out. And it’s all over awesome and wonderful.
So, yeah, in case you couldn’t tell, I like this show. A lot. 😀