Beth’s Craft Picks of the Week! – 4/15/13

Hello all!  I hope your Monday went well – mine was a bit of a mixed bag.  Ah well.  I’ve got a fresh batch of crafty picks for everyone this week!

Case of the Mondays Cross-Stitch Kit

hatemondaysSpeaking of Mondays… this would be a hilarious addition to anyone’s cubicle, haha.  It’s in a handy dandy kit, put together by Purple Hippo Stitches, and also part of their Tax Day Sale!  I’m half done with my own set, and plan on sticking mine in my cube once it’s done.  It’s really simple, and an easy intro to cross-stitching if you’ve never done it before.

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The Crafty Nerd Plays Video Games: Sailor Moon S Puzzle Game

I love playing video games.  It’s one of the first nerdy things I’ve ever done – play games on my Atari when I was 5 years old.  I especially love retro video games – the older, the better.  After a friend of mine posted about the Sailor Moon games that came out for the Super Nintendo/Super Famicom back in the height of Sailor Moon’s popularity, I figured I might as well see if I could find some of my old favorites to play with.  And I wasn’t disappointed!

lunagame_00000Here we’ve got the Sailor Moon S puzzle game!  I have no idea what the actual official name of it is, as I can’t read Japanese much more than identifying the kanji that stand for Sailor Moon, but this is my favorite of all the puzzle games that were released for the Super Nintendo.

lunagame_00003Most Sailor Moon fans of a certain age on the internet will definitely recognize these sprites – they were on Lycentia’s Sailor Moon Graphics Site!  She’d lovingly pulled all the sprites from all the Sailor Moon Super Nintendo games, and animated some of them too.  This is the character select screen – you can play as pretty much any character in the series up to the S season.  I picked Jupiter, as she’s one of my long time favorites.

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Beth’s Craft Picks of the Week! – 4/8/13

I’m going to try something new for the next few weeks here, and see how everyone likes it – I’m going to do a nerdy craft roundup, of four of the most interesting nerdy crafts I’ve found out on the internet!  Here’s hoping it brightens everyone’s Monday, and gives everyone some inspiration for some cool craft projects to make.

Books and Tardises bookmark cross-stitch pattern

il_570xN.256727710This looks like a fun project for cross-stitchers, and would also be a great gift for any Doctor Who fan!  It would also be a great weekend project, for when you’ve got some episodes of Doctor Who to catch up on.  You can find it at The Crafty Companion on Etsy.

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Making the best of a sick day (or two)

You know what’s worse than being sick?

Being sick on a weekend.  A beautiful weekend, no less, where it’s finally warm enough to open all the windows and sit outside on the porch, and enjoy the beautiful flowers.

I hate late season colds.

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The beginnings of a TARDIS blanket

However, I did make the best of this cold – yesterday I decided to jump in on the Worsted for Wear Knit/Crochet-a-long on Ravelry (it’s Doctor Who themed!), and am working on a TARDIS blanket.  It’s small – I suppose I could make it a lot bigger if I upped the hook gauge, but I figure I should stick to the pattern for right now, since it’s my first time working with filet crochet.  You can’t really make much of it out, but that’s totally the bottom of the TARDIS. I swear. 😀

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How to Make Your Own Dragon

2013-03-24 22.09.21I’ve noticed that people keep coming to my site to look at all the various Toothless plush that I’ve made (well, the one plush, and the one crocheted Toothless) – and I just now realized I don’t have any links to where I got the patterns or inspiration for these awesome dragons!  So,  this post is dedicated entirely to where to find out How to Make Your Own Dragon.

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Scootering: Best antidepressant ever.

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The Crafty Nerdmobile! (Or, as she’s more commonly known, Scooterlou)

I think, if I were to assign my website a mascot, it might just be Scooterlou.  She may not exactly be the nerdiest mode of transportation – I mean, come on, scooters are for everyone! – but she is decked out pretty nerdily.  She’s got a nice little Nyancat on one side, and a sweet “Engineered by Firefly” sticker on the other, and she’s rocking some My Little Ponies on her trunk (not pictured here – this is before I installed the trunk on her).  She enables my nerdy crafting pursuits, too – if not for her, it’d be a lot harder to get to and from craft stores, as my hubby’s not exactly always keen on schlepping me back and forth to craft stores around town.  I’m rather attached to her.

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Random Project Roundup – 3/24/13

Well, the weekend’s almost over, and I did tell myself I’d be writing a blog post this weekend – since nothing exceedingly nerdy happened this week, I’m going to do a roundup of the projects I’ve been working on recently!  I’ve got three that I’ve been working on over the past week, and here they are.

The Schweet Cowl

2013-03-24 22.03.45This shawl earned its name from the little colored speckles in the yarn – it bears a bit of a resemblance to Vanellope Von Schweets’ hair!  I started working on this on the flight to San Francisco a few weeks ago, and have been working on it in classes since I got home.  It’s getting pretty long – once it’s finished, I’ll sew it up, and then it loops double for wearing.  (It’s the Holy Cannoli pattern, on Ravelry.)

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Camp NaNoWriMo: Noveling when when it’s bright out!

For those of you who’ve known me for a while, you know that every November I drop everything and attempt to write a novel as part of National Novel Writing Month.  There’s something about spending the long, dark, chilly nights curled up in my computer chair, typing furiously to capture every detail of a story before the plot bunnies interfere.  Some years turned out better than others, especially 2010 and 2011, where I actually hit my word-count goals (and, in the case of 2010, blew past them!), but no matter what the word counts, no matter how early I ran out of steam, I enjoyed myself.  I’m ridiculously passionate about NaNoWriMo.  Which is why, this year, I find myself checking into a cabin at Camp NaNoWriMo.


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San Francisco: The Experience (sans video blogging)

Well, I’m back from San Francisco, and adjusted to being back in the right time zone finally, and figured I’d share the tale of my vacation!  Sadly, there wasn’t enough time to video-blog the entire trip, but I took plenty of pictures – and I’ll share the highlights here!

Day one was nice – although I was absolutely exhausted from not sleeping much the night before (remind me never to go to the drive-in the night before an early cross-country flight!), I still had plenty of fun.  I met some of Bryan’s friends, we all nerded out together, and it was awesome!

The view outside the front door of the place we stayed.

Trees in San Francisco are green already!

We stayed at a place we found on AirBNB – it’s located here, if you’re curious.  (If you want to stay in San Francisco and be within walking distance of practically everything, I can’t recommend Lorraine enough!)  After two days with no sleep, I ended up crashing pretty early – so I could be energetic for Day Two.

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San Francisco: The Nerdy Video-Blogging Experience

No, I have not dropped off the face of the planet, in case anyone was wondering (although apparently did, sadly, I didn’t renew my domain name in time and I think I may have lost it, we’ll see when HostGator processes my payment), but I have been incredibly busy.  Not only was this week the middle of the semester, but it’s also….

golden-gate-bridge…the week before spring break, and my trip to San Francisco!  And Bryan, wonderful husband that he is, suggested I video blog this trip and post it all here!    After some thinking, I decided “what the heck, why not?”  So, over the next few days, expect to see a video a day about my San Francisco adventure.  There’ll be a nerdy twist to it, as there is with everything on this wonderful blog, and hopefully everyone will enjoy watching my adventures!  (And it’ll be a great place to keep things for myself, too!)